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Carmen® FreeFlow is a cutting-edge Number Plate Recognition Engine and Software Development Kit (SDK). It empowers developers to integrate world-class automatic license plate recognition (ANPR/LPR) capabilities into their applications. The industry-leading Carmen® engine delivers unmatched accuracy, achieving over 95% recognition even for low-quality images.
Its flexible licensing scales to any project size, while multithreading support ensures smooth operation. This versatile solution recognizes plates from over 160 countries, making it ideal for global applications.
Carmen® FreeFlow is the trusted choice for projects demanding unmatched precision. Boasting a real-life accuracy rate of 95% to 99% for various plate types, Carmen® FreeFlow ensures reliable recognition even in challenging conditions.
With support for over 38,000 plate types from 160+ countries and diverse alphabets—including Latin, Arabic, Cyrillic, Thai, and more—Carmen® FreeFlow offers an unparalleled global reach. It is the premier choice for high-quality ANPR/LPR, serving regions from Brazil to Japan, North America to Europe, and the Middle East to Asia-Pacific. Integrate it once and unlock the power of high-performance ANPR – anywhere in the world.
Carmen® FreeFlow is not a one-size-fits-all solution; it is a versatile ANPR engine designed to adapt to your specific needs. It allows for seamless integration of high-accuracy license plate recognition, as well as optional make and model recognition (MMR), dangerous goods (HazMat), and IMO code recognition. This flexibility supports a wide range of applications, including traffic monitoring, security systems, highway tolling, and access control.
Designed for scalability, Carmen® FreeFlow provides flexible licensing options to fit the size and processing needs of your project. Its exceptional accuracy, even on less-than-ideal images, results in low false-positive rates; therefore, making it suitable for secondary verification in toll enforcement. The engine operates seamlessly on both Windows and Linux platforms.
Used in over 100,000 systems worldwide.
Worldwide recognition of vehicle plates, make, model, and color with a single integration.
Four updates released per year.
From small through medium to large and complex systems.
SDK supports either data input.
Runs on Windows and Linux.
Carmen® FreeFlow supports license plate recognition for over 160 countries, covering more than 38,000 plate types. Please contact our team for specific country support.
Yes, Carmen® FreeFlow can process both still images and video streams.
Yes, you can try our software using our subscription-based licensing model free of charge.
Our SDK is available either as a lifetime license or as a subscription-based license.
Yes, our SDK can be used with a subscription-based licensing model, which is available without a hardware key.
We release engine updates four times a year.
Yes, our Carmen® SDK supports x86-64, ARM32, and ARM64 architectures.
Carmen FreeFlow’s versatility makes it ideal for a wide range of traffic monitoring applications. Here are just a few of the most common uses:
#include "gxsdldr.c" #include "cmanpr.h" // If an error occurred it displays the error and terminates the program void term_if_err(int st) { int err_code; wchar_t err_str[256]; if(st) return; // No error occurred // Displays error code and description err_str[(sizeof(err_str)/sizeof(wchar_t))-1] = 0; gx_geterror(&err_code, err_str, (sizeof(err_str)/sizeof(wchar_t))-1); fprintf(stderr, "GX error (%x) occurred: %ls\n", err_code, err_str); // Terminates the program exit(1); } int main(void) { struct gxHANDLE anprhandle, imagehandle; struct gxIMAGE *image; struct cmNP *anprresult; int st; // Opens the ANPR module with EUR region st = gx_openmodule(&anprhandle, L"cmanpr", L"eur"); term_if_err(st); // Opens the image module, allocates the image structure and load the image st = gx_openmodule(&imagehandle, L"gximage", L"default"); term_if_err(st); st = gx_allocimage(imagehandle, &image); term_if_err(st); st = gx_loadimage(imagehandle, image, L"image.jpg", GX_UNDEF); term_if_err(st); // Finds the first license plate anprresult = 0; st = cm_findfirst(anprhandle, image, &anprresult); term_if_err(st); if(anprresult) { char countryCode[256]=""; // Get short country code st = cm_getcountrycode(anprhandle,anprresult->type,(int)CCT_COUNTRY_SHORT,countryCode,sizeof(countryCode)); term_if_err(st); // Displays the result, country code and type printf("Plate text: %s\n", anprresult->text); printf("Country code: %s\n", countryCode[0] ? countryCode : "No plate type"); printf("Type: %i\n", anprresult->type); // Frees up the result st = gx_globalfree(anprresult); term_if_err(st); } else { printf("No license plate found\n"); } // Frees up the resources st = gx_unrefimage(imagehandle, image); term_if_err(st); st = gx_unrefhandle(&imagehandle); term_if_err(st); st = gx_unrefhandle(&anprhandle); term_if_err(st); return 0; }
#include "gxsdldr.cpp" #include "cmanpr.h" int main() { try { // Creates the ANPR object with EUR region cm::cmAnpr anpr("eur"); // Creates the image object and load the image gxImage image; image.Load("image.jpg"); // Finds the first license plate if(anpr.FindFirst(image)) { // Get short country code gxOutStr countryCode = anpr.GetCountryCode(anpr.GetType(),(int)cm::CCT_COUNTRY_SHORT); std::wstring wCountryCode = countryCode.empty() ? L"No plate type" : countryCode; // Displays the result, country code and type std::wcout << L"Plate text: " << anpr.GetText() << std::endl; std::wcout << L"Country code: " << wCountryCode << std::endl; std::wcout << L"Type: " << anpr.GetType() << std::endl; } else { std::wcout << L"No license plate found" << std::endl; } } catch(gxError &e) { std::wcerr << L"GX error (" << e.GetErrorCode() << ") occurred: " << e.GetErrorString() << std::endl; return 1; } return 0; }
using System; using gx; using cm; namespace carmen { class MainClass { public static void Main(string[] args) { try { // Creates the ANPR object with EUR region cmAnpr anpr = new cmAnpr("eur"); // Creates the image object and load the image gxImage image = new gxImage(); image.Load("image.jpg"); // Finds the first license plate if (anpr.FindFirst(image)) { // Get short country code String countryCode = anpr.GetCountryCode(anpr.GetType(), (int)CC_TYPE.CCT_COUNTRY_SHORT); countryCode = countryCode.Length > 0 ? countryCode : "No plate type"; //Displays the result, country code and type Console.WriteLine("Plate text: {0}", anpr.GetText()); Console.WriteLine("Country code: {0}", countryCode); Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}", anpr.GetType()); } else { Console.WriteLine("No license plate found"); } } catch(gxException) { Console.Error.WriteLine("GX error (" + gxSystem.GetErrorCode() + ") occured: " + gxSystem.GetErrorString()); Environment.Exit(1); } } } }
import com.adaptiverecognition.gx.*; import*; public class cmanpr { static { try { System.loadLibrary("jgx"); System.loadLibrary("jcmanpr"); } catch(UnsatisfiedLinkError e) { System.err.println("Native code library failed to load." + e); System.exit(1); } } public static void main(String argv[]) { try { // Creates the ANPR object with EUR region cmAnpr anpr = new cmAnpr("eur"); // Creates the image object and load the image gxImage image = new gxImage(); image.Load("image.jpg"); // Finds the first license plate if(anpr.FindFirst(image)) { // Get short country code String countryCode = anpr.GetCountryCode(anpr.GetType(),jcmanprConstants.CCT_COUNTRY_SHORT); countryCode = countryCode.length()>0 ? countryCode : "No plate type"; // Displays the result, country code and type System.out.println("Plate text: " + anpr.GetText()); System.out.println("Country code: " + countryCode); System.out.println("Type: " + anpr.GetType()); } else { System.out.println("No license plate found"); } // Frees up resources anpr.delete(); image.delete(); } catch(RuntimeException e) { System.err.println("GX error (" + String.format("0x%08x",gxSystem.GetErrorCode()) + ") occured: " + gxSystem.GetErrorString()); System.exit(1); } } }
Imports System Imports gx Imports cm Module Main Sub Main() Try ' Creates the ANPR object with EUR region Dim anpr As cmAnpr = New cmAnpr("eur") ' Creates the image object and load the image Dim image As gxImage = New gxImage("default") image.Load("image.jpg") ' Finds the first license plate If anpr.FindFirst(image) Then ' Get short country code Dim countryCode As String countryCode = anpr.GetCountryCode(anpr.GetType(), CC_TYPE.CCT_COUNTRY_SHORT) If countryCode.Length = 0 Then countryCode = "No plate type" ' Displays the result, country code and type Console.WriteLine("Plate text: {0}", anpr.GetText()) Console.WriteLine("Country code: {0}", countryCode) Console.WriteLine("Type: {0}", anpr.GetType()) Else Console.WriteLine("No license plate found") End If Catch ex As gxException Console.Error.WriteLine("GX error (" + gxSystem.GetErrorCode().ToString() + ") occured: " + gxSystem.GetErrorString()) Environment.Exit(1) End Try End Sub End Module
This type of license is recommended for access control projects with less than 300 parking places
Via this option, you can adapt your licensing to the processing capacity of your hardware (see table below).
Designed for scalable video-based recognition projects, this license is ideal for applications requiring per stream licensing for video processing.
1 - 5
2 - 10
4 - 20
3 - 7
6 - 14
12 - 28
5 - 10
10 - 20
20 - 40
unlimited (but may depend on CPU speed, settings, engine type)
4 parallel threads
1 / 2 / 4 parallel threads
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