Doha West Sewage Treatment Plant Optimizes Tanker Management with Adaptive Recognition’s Vidar Smart HDx Cameras

Wastewater Management Gets a Tech Upgrade: Doha West Pioneering Secure and Efficient Tanker Flow.
Transforming Serbian Road Monitoring with Adaptive Recognition’s Vidar ANPR Cameras

Serbian Roads Redefined: The Power of Adaptive Recognition’s Vidar Cameras in Enhancing Road Monitoring and Safety
Revolutionizing Dangerous Goods Identification on Slovenian Highways

ASIST d.o.o. and Adaptive Recognition Collaborate to Enhance Road Safety with Advanced ANPR Solutions
Vidar Smart ANPR cameras in use in bridge weigh-in-motion systems in Indonesia

The innovative technology helps to
monitor heavy vehicle traffic and enforce overloading vehicles, reducing damages to highways and improving road safety to a great extent.
Automated Road Tolling in Kazakhstan Is Now a Reality With Adaptive Recognition Technology

The country is upgrading part of its road network to accelerate freight traffic flow.
Getting to the JMC Airport 3x Faster

Earlier, this route took one hour, while now it is only 18 minutes thanks to two brand new tunnels and a bridge.