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Enforce BOX
Traffic Violation Detector

Smarter Traffic Law Enforcement with AI Edge Network Device
for Red Light & Multi-Violation Detection

carmen box anpr gui system
enforce box traffic enforcement device hero image 2

One Powerful Solution
for 12 Types of Traffic Violations

Enforce BOX is an advanced AI-driven device designed to detect a wide range of traffic infractions. It integrates seamlessly with any traffic monitoring camera, including our cameras. Using advanced algorithms, this intelligent edge device analyzes traffic flow in real time and automatically detects various violations. 

Enforce BOX uses advanced edge processing to detect up to 12 different traffic violations with exceptional accuracy, handling a wide range of infractions captured by traffic cameras, including U-turns, improper lane usage, and more. 


AI-Powered Boost
for Your Traffic System

There’s no need to replace your current cameras— enhance them instead with Enforce BOX. This powerful component seamlessly integrates into your existing traffic camera system, unlocking new potential. When combined with a smart camera featuring ANPR capabilities, it delivers an even greater enhancement, evolving into a comprehensive and scalable enforcement solution tailored for modern traffic monitoring needs.

With its easy setup, user-friendly interface, and robust scalability, Enforce BOX empowers law enforcement agencies to deter violations, enhance traffic safety, and build a smarter traffic management system. 

enforce box traffic violation detection device block image 2

Simple Setup
Smarter Enforcement

Enforce BOX is a robust mini-PC designed to excel in various weather conditions, making it perfect for placement into small roadside cabinets. It effectively monitors up to four traffic lanes, ensuring comprehensive violation detection. 

With internal microSD storage for up to 50,000 events and expandable options, Enforce BOX securely retains images and video streams of detected violations. This powerful solution offers the flexibility and capacity needed for extensive traffic enforcement. 


enforce box traffic violation detector device - automatic red light enforcement

Red Light Enforcement

Detection of traffic lights status without expensive sensors built into the roadway or the need to interface with the traffic light controller.

enforce box traffic violation detector device - automatic detection of other traffic violations

Automatic Detection
of Other Traffic Violations

Automatic detection of traffic offenses (Stop, U-turn, Emergency lane, Wrong way, and more) through 14 different free-positioned line and area-based detectors.

enforce box traffic violation detector device - native integration with vidar anpr lpr camera

Native Integration With
Adaptive Recognition Vidar Cameras

Event packages will be complemented with license plate, make and model, and other data coming from the connected camera.

enforce box traffic violation detector device - compatibility with any camera

With Any Camera

You can upgrade your existing IP camera system with traffic law violation detection.

enforce box traffic violation detector device - easy setup


Easy installation and setup thanks to an intuitive GUI.

enforce box traffic violation detector device - easy integration


A well-documented API helps you integrate the product into your system. You can also use the GDS by Adaptive Recognition as a middleware solution.

Play Enforce BOX Product Film

carmen box anpr gui system


  • Can Enforce BOX add license plate information to traffic events?

    Yes. By connecting VIDAR, VIDAR Smart or VIDAR Speed cameras to Enforce BOX, you can add detailed information to each traffic event, including license plates, vehicle make, model, color, and category.

  • Can Enforce BOX measure vehicle speed?

    Yes, Enforce BOX can measure vehicle speed when VIDAR Speed cameras are added to the configuration, providing accurate speed detection for enhanced traffic enforcement.

  • How many traffic lanes does Enforce BOX support?

    Enforce BOX supports the recognition of traffic violations across up to 4 traffic lanes simultaneously, ensuring comprehensive coverage and enhanced traffic law enforcement.

  • How many cameras can be supported by Enforce BOX?

    Enforce BOX can support 1 overview camera and up to 4 ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) cameras, allowing for comprehensive monitoring and enforcement capabilities.

  • Can third-party IP cameras be integrated with Enforce BOX?

    Yes, Enforce BOX is compatible with third-party IP cameras, allowing you to upgrade your existing camera system with advanced traffic law violation detection capabilities.

  • Is an external trigger source required for Enforce BOX?

    No, an external trigger is not necessary. Enforce BOX features an excellent optical trigger, eliminating the need for additional external triggers.

Most common

Enforce BOX’s versatility makes it ideal for a wide range of traffic monitoring applications. Here are just a few of the most common uses:

Automated Detection of Traffic Violations

Enhanced Traffic Enforcement

Data Collection for Traffic Analysis

Traffic Violation Deterrence

Traffic Flow Monitoring

Traffic Law Enforcement

enforce box traffic violation detector device - typical setup

of a Typical Setup

Enforce Box automatically detects different traffic violations using your existing cameras.

Using our smart cameras, you can add vehicle license plate, nationality, make and model, and speed data.

Enforce BOX can automatically detect a wide range of traffic violations simultaneously on even 4 traffic lanes.

List of

red stop detector icon

Red Stop

Detects vehicles running a red light.

stop violation detector icon

Stop Violation

Detects vehicles crossing a stop line.

wrong way detector icon

Wrong Way

Warns of a vehicle moving against the traffic flow.

wrong turn detector icon

Wrong Turn

Signals if a vehicle turns the wrong way.

traffic lane detector icon

Traffic Line

Detects vehicles crossing the solid line.

emergency lane detector icon

Emergency Lane

Signals when vehicles use an emergency lane.

u-turn detector icon


Detects vehicles making a U-turn.

forbidden zone detector icon

Forbidden Zone

Notifies when vehicles move in a designated area.

motion detector icon


Detects any movement in a selected area.

stopped object detector icon

Stopped Object

Signals when a vehicle is stopped inside a designated area.

white line violation detector icon

White Line

Detects vehicles crossing the white line.

lane detector icon


Detects any movement on a selected lane.

in the Set

enforce box traffic violation detection device what's in the box image

Product documentation
and other resources

Sample Codes

  • c

    #include "gxsdldr.c" #include "cmanpr.h" // If an error occurred it displays the error and terminates the program void term_if_err(int st) { int err_code; wchar_t err_str[256]; if(st) return; // No error occurred // Displays error code and description err_str[(sizeof(err_str)/sizeof(wchar_t))-1] = 0; gx_geterror(&err_code, err_str, (sizeof(err_str)/sizeof(wchar_t))-1); fprintf(stderr, "GX error (%x) occurred: %ls\n", err_code, err_str); // Terminates the program exit(1); } int main(void) { struct gxHANDLE anprhandle, imagehandle; struct gxIMAGE *image; struct cmNP *anprresult; int st; // Opens the ANPR module with EUR region st = gx_openmodule(&anprhandle, L"cmanpr", L"eur"); term_if_err(st); // Opens the image module, allocates the image structure and load the image st = gx_openmodule(&imagehandle, L"gximage", L"default"); term_if_err(st); st = gx_allocimage(imagehandle, &image); term_if_err(st); st = gx_loadimage(imagehandle, image, L"image.jpg", GX_UNDEF); term_if_err(st); // Finds the first license plate anprresult = 0; st = cm_findfirst(anprhandle, image, &anprresult); term_if_err(st); if(anprresult) { char countryCode[256]=""; // Get short country code st = cm_getcountrycode(anprhandle,anprresult->type,(int)CCT_COUNTRY_SHORT,countryCode,sizeof(countryCode)); term_if_err(st); // Displays the result, country code and type printf("Plate text: %s\n", anprresult->text); printf("Country code: %s\n", countryCode[0] ? countryCode : "No plate type"); printf("Type: %i\n", anprresult->type); // Frees up the result st = gx_globalfree(anprresult); term_if_err(st); } else { printf("No license plate found\n"); } // Frees up the resources st = gx_unrefimage(imagehandle, image); term_if_err(st); st = gx_unrefhandle(&imagehandle); term_if_err(st); st = gx_unrefhandle(&anprhandle); term_if_err(st); return 0; }

  • c++

    #include "gxsdldr.cpp" #include "cmanpr.h" int main() { try { // Creates the ANPR object with EUR region cm::cmAnpr anpr("eur"); // Creates the image object and load the image gxImage image; image.Load("image.jpg"); // Finds the first license plate if(anpr.FindFirst(image)) { // Get short country code gxOutStr countryCode = anpr.GetCountryCode(anpr.GetType(),(int)cm::CCT_COUNTRY_SHORT); std::wstring wCountryCode = countryCode.empty() ? L"No plate type" : countryCode; // Displays the result, country code and type std::wcout << L"Plate text: " << anpr.GetText() << std::endl; std::wcout << L"Country code: " << wCountryCode << std::endl; std::wcout << L"Type: " << anpr.GetType() << std::endl; } else { std::wcout << L"No license plate found" << std::endl; } } catch(gxError &e) { std::wcerr << L"GX error (" << e.GetErrorCode() << ") occurred: " << e.GetErrorString() << std::endl; return 1; } return 0; }

Licensing Options


This type of license is recommended for access control projects with less than 300 parking places.


Via this option, you can adapt your licensing to the processing capacity of your hardware (see table below).


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