Chilean Duty-Free Zone Smart Access Control With AR Cameras

BTCO S.A. opted for Adaptive Recognition ANPR/ALPR cameras in order to make an already complex access control system faster and even more effective at the ZOFRI duty-free zone in Iquique, Chile.
Fast and Reliable Access Control at Argentinian Airport Car Parks

Many airports decided to upgrade their existing systems with Adaptive Recognition ANPR cameras and software to accelerate the access control process.
Automatic Pay-per-Weight at a Landfill Site in the New Zealand Capital

Smart ANPR cameras take the brunt of pay-per-weight operations at this Wellington waste drop-off site.
Reinforced Access Control at EU and UK Governmental Buildings

In Brussels and London high security areas, under vehicle scanning is combined with ANPR technology for tighter control.
Smartport Solution Allows for Hassle-Free Boarding at Ferry Terminals in Denmark

The ferry boarding procedure is made faster and easier with ANPR for the Læsø Municipality.
Drive Into This Airport Like a Summer Breeze

Arriving at Vilnius Airport means a new experience for those who come by car – thanks to ANPR technology.
A Smooth Car Wash Experience in Finland

You arrive, have your car washed and leave right away. No payment, no waiting. Learn how.
This Hotel Knows What Smart Parking Is

What makes a parking system smart? This well-known hotel in Copenhagen is well aware of it – and we show the details in this case study.
Burj Khalifa’s Peace of Mind: ANPR Access Control System for Hotels in Dubai

Hotels in Dubai get a double benefit from ANPR: convenience and security by one technology. Learn how.