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Smart City

Smarter cities – new challenges. Let’s solve them with AI-powered image analytics and data management.


As cities become smarter, they face new challenges like increased traffic, identity management, and environmental security, all while managing vast amounts of data. This data must be accurate, available, and interconnected to ensure efficient workflows that benefit urban life. Addressing these challenges with innovative solutions is essential to keeping urbanization under control and meeting society’s demands for speed and efficiency. 

Our solutions for
smart cities

traffic congestion

Harness the power of smart Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) to revolutionize traffic flow and create seamless urban mobility. In smart cities, these advanced systems integrate real-time data, AI-driven analytics, and dynamic traffic management to optimize vehicle movement and reduce congestion. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, such as adaptive signal control and predictive traffic algorithms, we ensure smooth traffic flow, minimize delays, and enhance overall city efficiency. 

vehicle–free zones

Efficiently manage vehicle-free zones with advanced license plate recognition technology. Ideal for controlling access in downtown areas or culturally significant locations, this technology automates the monitoring and enforcement of vehicle restrictions. Accurately identifying and recording license plates ensures that only authorized vehicles enter restricted areas, maintains smooth traffic flow, and enhances security.

case studies

ANPR/LPR camera installation in Qatar's Doha West sewage plant

Doha West Sewage Treatment Plant Optimizes Tanker Management with Adaptive Recognition’s Vidar Smart HDx Cameras 

ANPR API Carmen helps at tolling project in Denmark

99.9% Recognition Accuracy for an Automated Tolling Project in Denmark

ANPR Camera secures pay-by-plate system at Z Energy fuel stations in New Zealand

Pay-by-Plate Payment at Z Energy Fuel Stations

ANPR camera helps pay-per-weight system in Wellington, New Zealand

Automatic Pay-per-Weight at a Landfill Site in the New Zealand Capital

Our products for
Smart City

Vidar ANPR/LPR Camera

All-in-one smart camera for precise ANPR, MMR, and hazardous material sign recognition. Ideal for advanced traffic monitoring and law enforcement.



ANPR LPR Smart city traffic congestion

Navigating the Congestion Maze: The Urgency of Accurate ANPR in Urban Mobility and Smart Cities

ANPR/LPR for smart cities

4 Ways ANPR Contributes to Better Living in Smart Cities

Parking system ANPR LPR

Your Parking System Is Only as Good as Its ANPR Engine

Automated border control abc gates EES

Automated Border Control – Rising Trend Continues, Experts Say

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By those who see challenges as opportunities and rewrite the definition of impossible every day
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