The Challenge
Parking enforcement entities often conduct patrols in large parking lots or long stretches of on-street parking areas that are too large to efficiently cover on foot and using traditional vehicle tracking methods like chalking. Even manual-entry applications based on license plate logging can lead to improper citation disputes due to human typing errors, not to mention the slow speed of manual entry, which is essential for cost-effective enforcement. Increased speed and efficiency mean increased revenues.
The Solution
Enter an automatic LPR system featuring Adaptive Recognition’s MicroCAM mobile ANPR/LPR cameras with onboard LPR. Installed on the car’s trunk (or optionally on the front hood), the cameras automatically detect vehicles and read license plates as the security officer drives around at a normal and safe speed. There is no need for the officer to manually capture license plates or even get out of their car. Let the numbers do the talking:
Manual entry – 300 plates read/day on average
Mobile ANPR/LPR – 18,000 plates read/day on average

Smart Parking Apps successfully developed a custom parking management system using MicroCAM cameras that feed output data in real time to populate a parking database. Sophisticated application features facilitate automatic infraction detection, and also allow administrators to easily input staff license plates that should be excluded from enforcement. A clean and user-friendly interface makes it a breeze to process infractions accurately and to run analytics and searches from the database. Parking operator professionals thoroughly understand how huge it is to be able to rely on this type of automation to maximize efficiency and reduce unnecessary disputes and administrative processing.
The speed and accuracy of MicroCAM models serve an important role in making sure that officers can issue proper citations to more violators than ever before. As a result, Response Safety Security and Investigations were able to increase parking violation revenues threefold, making this solution an excellent choice for many similar deployment types from commercial parking facilities to municipal on-street parking, as well as gated community projects.
System Overview
Watch the video below to get an idea of how the system works.