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Mobile ANPR/ALPR Cameras Help Police Identify Stolen Vehicles in Brazil

microcam mobile anpr lpr camera for brazil police

The cameras scan the traffic environment and automatically detect and capture searched vehicles on the go, helping the fight against vehicle theft and other crimes.

The Military Police of the state of Espiríto Santo, Brazil, recently upgraded their patrol cars with a portable license plate reading system. Developed by our Brazilian integrator partner Lasertech, the solution features MicroCAM ANPR cameras by Adaptive Recognition.

The mobile ANPR/ALPR cameras allow patrolling units to identify searched vehicles on the go. Essentially, the solution contributes to the fight against vehicle theft and other crimes. Attached to the roof of police patrol cars, the cameras scan the traffic environment and automatically detect surrounding vehicles. They capture images of every single vehicle that passes their field of vision. Then, they immediately transform these images into ANPR/ALPR data. A mobile computer unit inside the vehicle receives this data instantly and cross-checks it against police databases, flagging any inconsistencies.

The system points out any administrative irregularities related to the vehicle documentation, such as licensing. Moreover, it also indicates whether the vehicle has any criminal restrictions, such as theft and robbery. Officers get all this data about the vehicle without the need to stop it.

In a press release issued by the State Military Police of Espírito Santo, the head of the department Colonel Carlos Ney de Sousa Pimenta highlighted the benefits of a state-of-the-art mobile ANPR/ALPR system:

“Police teams will be able to act with much more agility. Vehicles with criminal restrictions will be immediately pointed out by the equipment, allowing for more effective surveillance.”

Check out this news report on the test run (in Brazilian Portuguese).

The Royal Thai Police uses a similar solution to detect wanted vehicles. Check out the details.

About the Client

policia militar espirito santo logo
The Polícia Militar do Estado do Espírito Santo (PMES) is the military police force responsible for maintaining public order and conducting preventive policing in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. Established in 1835, PMES operates under the authority of the state governor and serves as an auxiliary and reserve force for the Brazilian Army. Its headquarters are located in Vitória, the state capital.
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