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Enhancing Public Safety Through Innovative Surveillance Solutions in Santiago City

microcam mobile anpr lpr camera for public safety mexico hero image
Client CDP Group

Driving Safety Forward: How MicroCAM M402 License Plate Recognition Is Making a Difference in Santiago City

Located just 30 kilometers from the bustling metropolis of Monterrey, Mexico, Santiago City, with its 43,000 residents, is not your ordinary suburban town. This picturesque haven is a magnet for ecotourism and relaxation, attracting a constant stream of visitors and vehicles every week. It serves as a gateway to natural beauty, a resting place, and an ever-expanding urban hub, boasting a 20-kilometer stretch of federal highway connecting Monterrey to the rest of the country. 

The Public Safety Challenge 

Santiago City faces a unique set of public safety challenges, primarily stemming from the substantial influx of external vehicles each week. Approximately 37,000 vehicles, none belonging to the municipality’s residents, pour into the city regularly. Adding complexity to the situation, many of the city’s avenues are secondary, making monitoring vehicle activity through a fixed video surveillance network a daunting task. Among the notable issues observed are: 

  • Weekend Vehicle Deluge: The city experiences a surge in non-resident vehicles during weekends. 
  • Highway Escape Routes: The main municipal highway is often used as an escape route by individuals involved in criminal activities in neighboring municipalities. 
  • Abundant Foliage Concealment: The dense forests and vegetation in the area provide ample hiding spots for stolen vehicles and those used in criminal acts.

The Innovative Solution 

To address the pressing need for surveillance and vehicle theft prevention, the municipality took a proactive approach. Police vehicles were equipped with cutting-edge license plate reader cameras, enabling the identification of vehicles listed on blacklists for potential criminal activity, theft, or ongoing investigations. 

The police department maintains continuous communication with other law enforcement agencies to keep the vehicle lists up to date.  

These lists encompass: 

  • Stolen vehicles 
  • Vehicles with counterfeit license plates 
  • Vehicles suspected or linked to other criminal incidents

The MicroCAM mobile ANPR/LPR cameras, meticulously crafted by Adaptive Recognition, were seamlessly integrated into the city’s security systems and infrastructure. Operating within a Cloud-based model, these mobile units swiftly transmit license plate readings to the city’s intelligence system. In the event of a match against the vehicle blacklist, an instant notification is dispatched to an Android-type device situated in the patrol car, concurrently alerting other police units. 

Remarkable Outcomes 

The implementation of MicroCAM M402 cameras has yielded impressive results, thanks to their exceptional reliability in all weather conditions. The standout monthly achievements include: 

  • Plate Readings: A staggering 600,000 license plate readings 
  • Identification and Recovery of Stolen Vehicles: An average of 14 vehicles per month 

The following key factors have been instrumental in achieving these outcomes within the police license plate reading model embedded in patrol cars: 

  • Dependable Camera Technology: Employing reliable cameras like the MicroCAM mobile ANPR/LPR camera
  • Protocols and Training: Implementation of police protocols and rigorous training for operational personnel to respond swiftly upon a positive blacklist match. 
  • Collaboration with Law Enforcement Agencies: Maintaining seamless coordination with various law enforcement agencies to ensure up-to-date vehicle lists. 

About CDP Group Solutions 

This groundbreaking security solution was meticulously designed and executed by CDP Group Solutions, with invaluable technical support from Adaptive Recognition staff. 

CDP Group Solutions, headquartered in Monterrey, Mexico, specializes in providing cutting-edge products and solutions tailored for law enforcement agencies throughout Mexico. Their core product lines include: 

  • Policy management software 
  • NIJ Body Armor equipment 
  • Police vehicle equipment 
  • Certified armored vehicles

Santiago City’s transformation into a safer, more secure haven stands as a testament to the vision and commitment of CDP Group Solutions and Adaptive Recognition in making communities thrive. 

About the Client

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