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Software for traffic and
goods transport monitoring

Carmen® FreeFlow

Automatic Number Plate Recognition Engine with Software Development Kit
Carmen® Freeflow supports C, C++, C#, Java and VB.Net; Windows and Linux OS; and respectively x86_64 or ARM architectures.

Carmen® Cloud

Cloud-based Recognition Software as a Service
Carmen® Cloud is a SaaS for vehicle license plate, make and model, ADR and eADR (hazmat) sign recognition.

Carmen® GO

Automatic Number Plate Recognition and Make And Model Recognition from Camera Streams
Carmen® GO is a Windows service (application) with an embedded database, optional web GUI, and REST API to facilitate fast

Carmen® Mobile

Number Plate and Make and Model Recognition with Mobile Phone
Carmen® Mobile lets you use your Android mobile phone to read number plates with a connection to our Cloud-based ANPR

Carmen® ADR Code Recognition

Dangerous Goods Code Recognition Engine with Software Development Kit
Carmen® ADR is a software library for identifying and recognizing dangerous goods codes such as ADR and empty ADR signs,

Carmen® OCR ContainerCode

Container Code Recognition Engine with Software Development Kit
Carmen® OCR for Container Codes is a software library for identifying and recognizing international and regional codes used in goods

Carmen® OCR RailCode

Railway Code Recognition Engine with Software Development Kit
Carmen® OCR for Railway Codes is a software library for identifying and recognizing international and regional codes used in rail

Carmen® OCR FleetCode

Commercial Vehicle Code Recognition Engine with Software Development Kit
Carmen® OCR for Commercial Vehicle Codes is a software library for identifying and recognizing the DOT numbers found on U.S.

Carmen® Nano

Number Plate Recognition Software Package for Nvidia Jetson®-based Computers
Carmen® Nano is an on-premise ANPR software for those who wish to build a traffic analytics system based on an

Carmen® License Service

Carmen® License Service
Carmen® License Service offers flexible, scalable access to Carmen® engines in cloud or virtual environments, perfect for dynamic ANPR applications.

Globessey Data Server

Data Server
The Globessey Data Server (GDS) is a combined data server and middleware to make information collected from different endpoints available
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