Should you like to try your hands at ANPR at no cost, Adaptive Recognition offers several options with no obligations required from you.
For developers, we are disclosing the source code of our license plate recognition software as part of a free ANPR pack, primarily for learning purposes. With this, you can learn how to create applications using optical character recognition (OCR).
If you are not a developer but would like to get hands-on experience on how our ANPR works, or maybe even start to build your system based on a ready-made solution, we recommend the free trial of Carmen® Cloud, the cloud-based version of our famed Carmen® ANPR software. This free account provides you with 2,500 lookups without any charge.
Once you are subscribed to Carmen® Cloud, you can also download our free Carmen® Mobile application, which allows you to perform ANPR using your mobile phone.
Developers: Test Our ANPR Software for Free
As a programmer, you will be able to integrate the code into your application and enjoy all the benefits of automatic number plate recognition. Although this free ANPR software has been designed for demonstrational and educational purposes, it can serve as the first important milestone in your journey of ANPR.
To get access to the free software, just follow these 4 simple steps:
- Fill out the form below
- Download the software using the link sent to your given email address
- Run the sample application
- Test it with your images
The ANPR software package we send you includes:
- ANPR Source code
- Readme, written for developers
- ANPR imaging guide
- The sample program source code
- A sample program file in .exe format
- Sample images and video for ANPR purposes.

Please note that this free ANPR source code is for applications using Latin characters (letters of the English alphabet and numbers). Several security systems are currently using the provided code, in many countries.
Remember, there’s way more to discover in the world of ANPR at Adaptive Recognition.
Whether you need a Plug’n’Play ANPR solution, cloud-based software, or a mobile app, our software offers uncompromised speed and accuracy performance, support services, and continuous software updates.