Join Us at Identity Week 2021

What is Identity Week?

The yearly event brings together stakeholders of the identity sector to promote innovation and more effective solutions, focusing on secure physical credentials, physical identity, and advanced authentication technologies.

In 2021, Identity Week takes place at the ExCeL exhibition center in London, UK, between 22-23 September.

Register here to get your free pass

Unable to Attend in Person? Visit Our Virtual Booth

Identity Week 2021 is a hybrid event, meaning it takes place online and offline at the same time. If you cannot make it in person, we invite you to register and visit our virtual booth, where you will be able to book meetings with our team members during the event.

They will be more than happy to assist you with demo requests for our innovative ID reader devices and any other questions.

Osmond passport reader

Where to Find Us at the Event

At the event itself, you will find us at booth 294.

Identity Week 2021 floorplan

The Adaptive Recognition team is looking forward to seeing you, either in London or online.

Save the date: 15 June, AR LIVE! City Sentinel

AR LIVE! events are not only live but also engaging – after all, it is the acronym for Live Interactive Virtual Experience.

Our next event is:

AR LIVE! City Sentinel: 15 June 2021

Participation is free! Register here

City Sentinel LIVE! is definitely for you if you are

City Sentinel is unique and versatile neighborhood watch system that can empower moderately sized cities to

Do you think your city would benefit from this? Join us and be among the first to see how it works in real-world action!

Introducing Vidar, the first ANPR camera on the market with a built-in laser trigger

Thirty years of market experience went into the product design, which features pioneering solutions such as built-in laser triggering. Vidar is powered by the our market-leading ANPR software, Carmen®

Vidar, named after the ‘Silent God’ of Norse mythology, has been developed to answer real-life needs and challenges, leaning on our three decades of industry experience. It is an ANPR camera in a league of its own for several reasons:

Vidar cameras come in five different versions. Two of these are optimized for cloud-based, pay-per-use ANPR for ease of use and scalability. Vidar Smart models on the other hand feature on-board ANPR.

We offer a 3-year warranty and full technical support for all models.

László Kis, Adaptive Recognition CEO

Research and development at Adaptive Recognition are grounded in three decades of hands-on experience with ANPR and traffic monitoring. All our products are designed to answer real-world challenges. Vidar, our best traffic camera to date, is a culmination of experience and innovation, featuring industry-first solutions such as the built-in laser trigger and two independent, fully synchronized cameras. For a sophisticated product, it is also low maintenance and affordable.

Look out for Vidars on highways, city streets, country roads, and at parking lots, retail facilities, airports, shipping ports all over the world.  


ANPR Cloud now reads North-American license plates

First off, a crash-course for ANPR Cloud – what is this service exactly?

It’s our transaction-based software-as-a-service product, offering license plate recognition and make, model & color detection from the cloud. How does it work? In the cloud, our ANPR engines receive images of vehicles, then return the ready-to-use data to your application.

The service was first introduced in September 2020, including recognition for European license plates, with plans to add North American plate coverage in the near future.

The time has come: you do not need to wait more from the overseas: ANPR Cloud introduces the North-American edition, including coverage for license plates used in:

Believe it or not, we talk about thousands of different plate types (!). The good news is that when you use ANPR Cloud, you do not need to deal with keeping your system constantly up-to-date: it all happens in the cloud, we guarantee that the latest recognition engine is activated on your traffic images. Lean on us, your traffic project is in good hands with ANPR Cloud: it is powered by Carmen®, a recognition engine that is perfected for almost 30 years.

alpr for usa plates

Note: currently, the new North-American module covers only the license plate recognition service, while the make, model and color recognition features are planned to be available from Q3, 2021. Subscribe below to our newsletter so you do not miss any important updates.

Get your 1000 FREE ANPR transactions

To help your evaluation, you can test ANPR Cloud up to 1000 times – or in other words, you can upload 1000 images and see how the system performs: entirely free of charge.

Test the service with 1000 transactions free of charge

Give it a go: register to ANPR cloud

Save the date: 9-10 March, Traffic Solution Focus Days

Hands up if you’re bored with webinars. We are, too. This is why we changed the whole concept and created Traffic Solution Focus Days. Our goal is not less than revitalizing the webinar industry, while giving you real-life insights how smart solutions can be utilized for traffic enforcement.

It’s an exciting 2-day broadcast, an entirely live and interactive online event.

And we know you well: you want action. So what will happen? We will go out to the roads of Budapest and demonstrate complex traffic solutions, such as:

It’s risky, because there will be no pre-recorded parts, while we will broadcast from the middle of live traffic (!)

ANPR guys in action

Focus Days will be entirely interactive, you will be able to ask questions and our hosts will answer right away. This show will prove that an online event can be immensely exciting, fun and truly interactive!

Are you with us?

AR LIVE! City Sentinel: 15 June 2021

Participation is free! Register here

Watch the personal invitation from Csaba Nagy-Amigo (the head of our ITS team and also one of the founders of Focus Days):

Proud to be at the Danish Design Award

Our next-generation ANPR camera: Vidar and our specialized traffic database: GDS will run for the award in the Outstanding service category. If we combine these products in one system, they form an outstanding road traffic monitoring solution to create safer travel / transport, enhanced security, and a healthier environment.

László Kis, Adaptive Recognition CEO

Research and development at Adaptive Recognition are grounded in three decades of hands-on experience with ANPR and traffic monitoring. All our products are designed to answer real-world challenges. Vidar, our best traffic camera to date, is a culmination of experience and innovation, featuring industry-first solutions such as the built-in laser trigger and two independent, fully synchronized cameras. For a sophisticated product, it is also low maintenance and affordable.

Although it is difficult for us to make an objective statement, since we all enjoyed the development and design work on Vidar & GDS, we believe that the solution presented here is an exceptional example of combining design thinking to solve socially fundamental problems with state-of-the-art technologies. Let’s see the details.

Our motivation

Driving should be fun, safe and exert only a minimal effect on our surroundings. As more people share the roads, and with an increasing number of distractions, accidents and fatalities pile up. How can we decrease speeding, the number of traffic violations, and irresponsible drivers? Accurate data of our cars, drivers and their behavior is crucial – but most of today’s solutions to gather such data are awkward, unattractive and difficult to manage.

Our mission is to create safer roads and more liveable cities by providing a smart traffic monitoring solution that includes well-designed, plug&play cameras and a secure database. It all adds up to an outstanding data collection service.

Ingredients for a traffic monitoring system

Road traffic analytics needs data gathering endpoints and a centralized system that collects, stores and analyzes the incoming information to offer live alerts, valuable statistics, reports and more.

Dávid Sólymos, Head of Product Design

One of the key criteria for such outdoor equipment is durability. Vidar should operate either underwater or on a sunny day in the Sahara or the Arctic at -40 degrees Celsius. Within these extreme circumstances, the housing has to provide optimal operating conditions for all the custom-designed delicate mechanical components and the computer inside. Vidar, in my opinion, combines the latest industrial technology and integrative design-driven aesthetics to precisely the right degree.

traffic monitoring solution
the Vidar ANPR camera and the GDS traffic database form a state-of-the-art traffic monitoring solution

Why do Vidar & GDS mean an Outstanding Service?

With Vidar and GDS, virtually anyone can build a complex road traffic data monitoring system that provides accurate and comprehensive data of vehicles passing through a given area. The solution comes with unique features and true benefits to the users (and society):

How do you think, would such a solution deserve the award? Decide ityourself after watching our application video via our corporate Linkedin channel.

Does such a solution deserve the award? Decide it yourself!

Watch our application video

Fingers crossed!

Stay tuned – for further updates, subscribe to our newsletter. Shortlisted nominees will be announced by March 2021 and we expect the winners to be listed by the end of May 2021.

How we saw Identity Week 2020

This year, as many events, Security Document World was also held online, with two other exhibitions, formed into a large virtual event called Identity Week. Being an exhibitor there for many years, it was a brand new experience for us – and a special way to launch our new passport reader. We asked Zsolt Fábián, sales manager in our ID Reader team to tell us his experience.

[AR] In 2020, handshakes were replaced by virtual handshakes. Did it help your presence at the show, or was it a disadvantage?

[Zsolt] The show was great, and I think the organizers did their best to transform the classic show to an online event. It was definitely an advantage that you could easily join the presentations, switching between them with just a few clicks and without the need of changing your physical location. There were a lot of exciting topics brought to the audience, such as the challenges of digital identity, using biometrics at the borders or the European Entry/Exit System which is also covered on our corporate blog, for example.

As for all the participants, the virtual networking was a new challenge, as we all got used to demonstrating our scanners face to face at the show. We managed to bring this experience online, as much as it is possible, but of course it cannot be exactly the same. However, we liked the function that we could invite people to our virtual booth, so the platform had some great features.

[AR] Who was present at the exhibition?

[Zsolt] SDW is a very focused event – covering everything that is related to document security: anti-fraud feature developers, printers, inks, holograms, players of ID document verification and all connecting technologies. It was great to catch up with existing partners and also to explore new cooperation possibilities.

[AR] If you could decide… should it be online next year, or back to the classic?

[Zsolt] Back to the classic version, definitely. It was an efficient temporary solution but we all miss face-to-face meetings. I look forward to meeting our partners and clients again, and hope the global situation will allow it.

Zsolt Fábián, sales expert and the Osmond passport reader

[AR] There’s another reason why this event was special: we launched our next-generation passport reader, Osmond. How was the reception?

[Zsolt] This innovation has a list of features that simply cannot be ignored – and our customers / potential new clients have the same opinion. By only its design, Osmond stands out in the crowd, fortunately, this was recognized also in the online space. (But I can tell you, it’s even better if you have it on your desktop).

[AR] Can you tell us some more about this product? It can read and verify ID documents, but what makes it special?

[Zsolt] First of all, it has some new features that other vendors do not, such as the oblique light. This is an illumination from a low angle and it helps checking tactile / embossed security features – a technology that is usually built into 2nd line document examination equipment and not into compact passport readers. Also, the unit has a display which makes the scanner usage quite easy, even for those who do not have experience. This is also not very common amongst such devices.
Another great feature is the speed. It surprised me when I did the first scans – as I’ve never seen any ID verification technology with such speed, it is truly stunning.

[AR] If a customer is interested in testing it, what are the options?

[Zsolt] Osmond will go into production in February, 2021, but there is already a preorder option for it. If you preorder it until 01.25.2021 we attach our professional ID verification software for free – and also grant free worldwide delivery. This way, customers have a nice option to test the brand new scanner in Q1, 2021. We will definitely keep our customers updated. 🙂

Preorder before 01.25.2021 to get our professional ID verification software for FREE

Discover Osmond

To get in touch with Zsolt, visit his corporate profile.

Launching our new cloud-based ANPR Software as a Service (SaaS)

Going back in time to 1991, when our very first license plate recognition SDK was released, no one would have thought how the world would change by 2020.
How the internet would reform the communication.
How our lives would be enmeshed by online transactions.
How our systems would depend on accurate and timely data.

It is the same with traffic systems – that require immaculate data quality to serve your project. But creating a perfect license plate recognition solution in your traffic system is not easy. It requires integration, local fine-tuning, regular updates… shortly: time and resources (money).

So we created a system that lets you forget all these and have the right performance but without the hassle. Now, you can have our professional vehicle identification capabilities available through the cloud, working fully online.

cloud-based vehicle identification service
new, cloud-based vehicle identification SaaS: ANPR Cloud

This brand new, cloud-based ANPR and vehicle identification service is called ANPR Cloud. The system is powered by the same Carmen® license plate recognition technology that is praised by our integrator partners – being a core of so many traffic systems around the world. The service does not just perform ANPR – but make, model and color recognition as well, to offer an extensive vehicle identification performance.

It is secure, fully GDPR-compliant – and exceptionally easy to use. You can insert this function in your system in an hour and it gets automatically updated. Once calibrated – no more maintenance or updating needed. It is a cloud system designed to serve your project: lean back, the accurate data for your traffic system is guaranteed.

Are you ready to test the service? Start your free trial.

Discover ANPR Cloud

Here’s why we started using AWS

If you have not heard about AWS yet – it is Amazon Web Services: the world’s most comprehensive and broadly adopted cloud platform, offering over 175 fully featured services from data centers globally, to millions of customers (learn more on this link).

And how did we get in contact with it? This is what we are sharing with you now.

Something has been cooking in Adaptive Recognition’s development teams recently – it’s a brand new, cloud-based ANPR service – our latest innovation milestone: ANPR Cloud.

Those who have already used our license plate recognition technology, know that we do not like to make compromises in accuracy, speed and in performance, in general. So what we did – kept the same, fine-tuned recognition capabilities, and made them available as a cloud service.

The result is a pay-per-use, software-as-a-service (SaaS) system, designed for all the players in the traffic industry who are in need of license plate recognition and / or vehicle identification capabilities, such as make, model and color recognition. Find out more:

For this new service, we needed a secure and reliable platform where our recognition engines can perform on peak level – so our customers can not just make the most out of their traffic systems, but do it in a strict data privacy environment. For such a platform, our choice fell on AWS.

Of course, the list advantages does not stop at security and privacy. Costs also played a vital role in our decision:

Tibor Zahorecz, Head of Cloud

By migrating our ANPR solution to AWS, we reduced our costs because we no longer had to invest in hardware.

To learn more how our new cloud ANPR system utilizes the benefits of AWS, read this new case study, edited by the AWS team.

AWS case study

For the official introduction of ANPR Cloud, subscribe to our newsletter on the bottom of this page, so you can be amongst the first ones to get notified. There’s only a few weeks left, stay tuned!

UPDATE (2020.09.16) – ANPR Cloud has been officially launched! Experience it yourself and start your free trial of vehicle identification here.

3 reasons to visit us at SDW 2020

arh at sdw in 2020

As most spring events this year, Security Document World has been also rescheduled, the new date is 17-18 November. We will be there and happy to meet you (booth S160) – but before that, let’s see what exciting updates you can check there. We collected the 3 key reasons why it is worth visiting us at SDW.

Reason 1: an easy way for authenticating IDs

Users of our latest 2.1.9 passport reader software are already familiar with our brand new verification software called Auth Checker. The idea behind this innovation was to create a software for performing in-depth ID verification even for those who are not experts in this field. In many application areas where ID verification should be necessary, no checks are performed due to the lack of expertise. With such a handy system, any receptionist can tell if an identity document is fake or genuine – in every corner of the world.

Reason 2: our brand new AutoFill software

It all started with a new regulation in our headquarters’ country, Hungary, for hotels and accommodations about collecting and submitting guest data to a centralized system. For this, we developed a special application that allowed hosts automatically gather personal data from our ID scanner devices and use it to populate their hotel software / PMS systems – without manual typing, in 2 seconds. Hundreds of hotels and hosts started using the solution and we decided to extend the autofill capability not just to PMS software but any IT system that has a form to be filled with personal data: from car rentals to telco offices.
Come to our booth S160 and find out how you can benefit from this application.

Reason 3: the new passport reader we’re proud of

Last, but not least, we will unveil our new milestone of our identity document verification development: the brand new PRMc 3, the successor model of our flagship PRMc series that defined our governmental projects since the beginning of the 2000s.
This new model comes in 4 different configurations, covering wide ID verification requirements: whether it is a liquor shop or a bank or 24/7 border control station. One major benefit of this scanner is that it does everything on its own, having integrated processing and network connectivity, it does not require any PC connection. It is a smart box that accepts any identity document as input and provides the extracted printed & digital data with the authentication results as output.
At SDW, we will make a live demonstration of the scanner and prepare your ID: test it yourself and see why we see it as a true innovation.

Fill out this form to book a meeting in advance