
Querétaro’s Road Safety Transformation: „Clicks de Vida” Program Revolutionizes Road Safety and Sets a New Standard with Adaptive Recognition’s Vidar Cameras

Embracing cutting-edge technology transformed the state’s roads from perilous highways to havens of responsible driving, saving lives and fostering a culture of safety.

About the client

Autotraffic: A Dedicated Partner in Road Safety
Autotraffic is a leading provider of photo enforcement solutions, deeply committed to enhancing traffic safety and saving lives. Since its inception in 2003, Autotraffic has been at the forefront of developing and integrating innovative technologies to curb road accidents and promote a culture of responsible driving.

In the heart of Mexico, the State of Querétaro has set a new benchmark in road safety with the groundbreaking „Clicks de Vida” program. This innovative initiative, born from the government’s unwavering commitment to safeguarding its citizens, has transformed the state’s roads from hazardous corridors into safe havens for all road users.

The „Clicks de Vida” program’s success stems from its strategic implementation of cutting-edge Vidar Speed technology, provided by Adaptive. These advanced cameras, seamlessly integrated by Autotraffic, a trusted partner with extensive experience in photo enforcement services, have played a pivotal role in addressing the state’s historically high rate of traffic accidents and fatalities.

Challenges: The State of Querétaro, Mexico, faced a critical challenge in maintaining road safety, with a high rate of traffic accidents and fatalities. The outdated and inefficient speed enforcement system proved to be inadequate in deterring speeding, a major contributor to these incidents. Additionally, the lack of adequate surveillance systems hampered the monitoring of road conditions and the detection of traffic violations.

Solution: In response to these challenges, the Government of Querétaro launched the innovative „Clicks de Vida” program, a comprehensive strategy to enhance road safety and save lives. The program’s cornerstone was the implementation of cutting-edge Vidar Speed technology, provided by Adaptive Recognition and seamlessly integrated by Autotraffic, a trusted provider with two decades of experience in photo enforcement services.

The Vidar Speed systems, renowned for their accuracy and efficiency, were deployed across the state’s busiest roads. These advanced cameras played a pivotal role in achieving a remarkable transformation in road safety, including:

  • Advanced Speed Monitoring: The implementation of Vidar Speed systems provided authorities with real-time data on vehicle speeds, enabling a proactive approach to target and address instances of speeding. This enhanced speed enforcement became a cornerstone in creating a more responsive and effective road safety strategy.
  • Continuous Traffic Surveillance: By adopting cutting-edge technology, the program facilitated continuous monitoring of traffic conditions. This improvement in surveillance capabilities played a pivotal role in promptly detecting traffic violations and identifying hazardous driving behaviors, contributing to a safer and more controlled road environment.
  • Remarkable Impact on Traffic Safety: The deployment of advanced systems resulted in a noteworthy reduction in traffic accidents. Lives were preserved, and the prevention of severe injuries highlighted the program’s substantial impact on overall road safety. The

success in curbing accidents showcased the effectiveness of the program in safeguarding the well-being of both drivers and pedestrians.

  • Integration with Civil Security Intelligence: The Vidar Speed systems seamlessly integrated with the civil security intelligence program, extending their impact beyond traffic safety. This integration proved invaluable in the identification of vehicle characteristics and license plates, contributing significantly to broader crime-solving efforts. The program became not only a guardian of road safety but also a valuable tool in enhancing civil security and law enforcement efforts.

Implementation: The „Clicks de Vida” program was implemented in a phased approach, with the first stage involving the deployment of 22 fixed speed detection systems across 14 key control points. These systems were complemented by 2 mobile tripod units, providing versatility in monitoring traffic flow and responding to incidents.

Autotraffic, a trusted partner with extensive experience in photo enforcement services, played a crucial role in the seamless implementation of the Vidar Speed systems. Their expertise ensured the efficient integration of the technology into the existing traffic infrastructure.

Results: The „Clicks de Vida” program has already yielded remarkable results, transforming the road safety landscape of Querétaro:

  • 98% of Drivers Comply with Speed Limits: A significant shift towards responsible driving practices has been observed, as the vast majority of drivers adhere to speed limits.
  • 50% Reduction in Traffic-Related Injuries: The program’s positive impact on road safety is evident in the 50% decrease in the number of people injured in traffic crashes.
  • Marked Decrease in Speeding: The Vidar Speed systems have effectively deterred speeding behaviors, with a remarkable reduction in the highest speed detected of offenders, from over 160 km/h to approximately 100 km/h.
  • Culture of Responsible Driving: Beyond simply penalizing offenders, the „Clicks de Vida” program promotes a culture of responsible driving. Infraction notifications and incentives like early payment discounts encourage compliance with traffic regulations and foster greater awareness of road safety.

Partnership Appreciations: „As we witness the transformative impact of the ‘Clicks de Vida’ program in Querétaro, I am proud of the pivotal role played by Vidar Speed technology in fostering a culture of safety. Working alongside our valued partner Autotraffic, we’ve not only achieved tangible results in reducing accidents but also contributed to shaping responsible driving behaviors. This initiative stands as a testament to the power of cutting-edge technology in creating safer roads and inspiring positive societal change said Marton Sipos, Sales Director at Adaptive Recognition.”

Future Plans: The Government of Querétaro remains committed to further enhancing road safety in the state, with ongoing support, firmware updates, and state-of-the-art service, the „Clicks de Vida” program will continue to evolve. This commitment ensures that Querétaro’s roads remain a haven of safety for its residents.

Overall Impact: Querétaro’s leadership in road safety is evident in the „Clicks de Vida” program’s success. The program sets a precedent for other regions and municipalities to explore innovative solutions for enhancing road safety. By harnessing the power of technology, Querétaro has demonstrated a commitment to societal betterment and serves as a beacon of leadership in the world of road safety. The „Clicks de Vida” program has transformed the state’s roads from hazardous corridors into safe havens for all road users, a testament to the transformative power of technology and strategic implementation.

Want to Learn More About Vidar Camera and Carmen Software? To delve deeper into the transformative technologies that are behind the „Clicks de Vida” program, explore our dedicated pages:

Vidar Camera: Click here to discover Vidar Camera.

Discover how these cutting-edge tools are revolutionizing road safety and shaping a safer future for all.