Proud to be at the Danish Design Award

Why not challenge our products? A next-generation ANPR camera with high-end traffic database, to win the Outstanding service category at Danish Design Award 2020.

Our next-generation ANPR camera: Vidar and our specialized traffic database: GDS will run for the award in the Outstanding service category. If we combine these products in one system, they form an outstanding road traffic monitoring solution to create safer travel / transport, enhanced security, and a healthier environment.

Alan Tofte, Adaptive Recognition Nordic

The concept of Vidar and GDS was created with national road safety in mind. In Denmark, our road authorities need an automated service that can monitor our roads‘ conditions and ensure a safe environment for every individual that moves from A to B.

Although it is difficult for us to make an objective statement, since we all enjoyed the development and design work on Vidar & GDS, we believe that the solution presented here is an exceptional example of combining design thinking to solve socially fundamental problems with state-of-the-art technologies. Let’s see the details.

Our motivation

Driving should be fun, safe and exert only a minimal effect on our surroundings. As more people share the roads, and with an increasing number of distractions, accidents and fatalities pile up. How can we decrease speeding, the number of traffic violations, and irresponsible drivers? Accurate data of our cars, drivers and their behavior is crucial – but most of today’s solutions to gather such data are awkward, unattractive and difficult to manage.

Our mission is to create safer roads and more liveable cities by providing a smart traffic monitoring solution that includes well-designed, plug&play cameras and a secure database. It all adds up to an outstanding data collection service.

Ingredients for a traffic monitoring system

Road traffic analytics needs data gathering endpoints and a centralized system that collects, stores and analyzes the incoming information to offer live alerts, valuable statistics, reports and more.

  • Vidar, our next-generation ANPR camera (coming in 2021) can gather comprehensive data of passing vehicles, including a picture of the car, category, make & model and color of the vehicle, license plate characters, nationality, instant speed, time & date, and GPS coordinates.

Dávid Sólymos, Head of Product Design

One of the key criteria for such outdoor equipment is durability. Vidar should operate either underwater or on a sunny day in the Sahara or the Arctic at -40 degrees Celsius. Within these extreme circumstances, the housing has to provide optimal operating conditions for all the custom-designed delicate mechanical components and the computer inside. Vidar, in my opinion, combines the latest industrial technology and integrative design-driven aesthetics to precisely the right degree.

  • GDS (Globessey Data server) can store millions of road traffic data from the Vidar cameras, perform advanced analytics like searching and automated alerting and provide statistics for Business Intelligence. It offers map-based, real-time dashboards and calculating average speed based on the distance travelled by the same car between two Vidar cameras within the recorded time.
traffic monitoring solution
the Vidar ANPR camera and the GDS traffic database form a state-of-the-art traffic monitoring solution

Why do Vidar & GDS mean an Outstanding Service?

With Vidar and GDS, virtually anyone can build a complex road traffic data monitoring system that provides accurate and comprehensive data of vehicles passing through a given area. The solution comes with unique features and true benefits to the users (and society):

  • Building and using complex road traffic monitoring systems is now available to society. Vidar & GDS embody a LEGO-like concept: the building blocks are the Vidar cameras and the GDS back-office system.
  • Almost any system can be built and be connected to 3 rd party systems as well.
  • The meticulously designed Vidar camera has a tiny ecological footprint, made of 100% recyclable aluminium that is weather protected. The installation’s unprecedented speed and easiness: Vidar can connect to a nearby smartphone and gives instructions about the proper height, position, and tilting angle. All these by using its internal sensors.
  • Accurate and detailed data is available in real-time, 24/7. Data allows us to make informative decisions and prevent dangers.

How do you think, would such a solution deserve the award? Decide ityourself after watching our application video via our corporate Linkedin channel.

Does such a solution deserve the award? Decide it yourself!

Watch our application video

Fingers crossed!

Stay tuned – for further updates, subscribe to our newsletter. Shortlisted nominees will be announced by March 2021 and we expect the winners to be listed by the end of May 2021.